
Hello fellow cat enthusiasts! My name is Ariel wells, you may know me from the great blog of dogs. Well, I also like cats. I grew up with cats, The cats I own now are the following, Scaredy, Adventure, Chewbacca, Glovely, and last but not least, my favorite Hush. I like to think of hush as a dog, he knows how to sit and is super playful just like a dog! I also have a hermit crab named zoomie, he just got a new playset and was not afraid to try it out! While, my favorite animals are dogs I also most definatly love cats! My favorite cats are tortoiseshells I also like ragdolls. I am hoping to start an etsy shop in the future with my sister izzie, speaking of izzie She has a blog too,she does it with my cousin analey wells. You should checkit out, you can find them at pineapple42.blogspot.com Thats all I have to say for now but you can learn more about me on my about me page, I will add it later, or at thegreatblogofdogs.blogspot.com Bye!
