siamese sundayyy!

Hey guys, havent done any cat posts yet so imma try my very bestest but yea, todayim going to tell you guys all about the siamese breed, well I did some research so here we gooo... Siamese cats are among the shortest-haired cats, with a primarily short and fluffy coat.Siamese cats are among the most vocal cats, and they love to meow and purr loudly. Siamese cats are among the most active indoor cats, and they love to play fetch, games, and more.Siamese cats are known for their high level of intelligence, and they are excellent problem solvers. I personally perfer dogs but I do have 4 cats so I sortove have to learn to live with it. My cats are mainly tabby mixes i'm pretty sure I think glovely is tabby/ persian hush is tabby/ tabby and adventure hush and glovely's mom is tabby/ persian and then Chewy is a tortoiseshell I think. I forgot to tell ya'll that Scaredy- Chewbacca's mom ran away in I think April maybe and she hasnt come back yet so I don't think ya'll will get to hear any more about her but thats all I have time for tonight shoutout to my good friend Olivia, if we get lucky Olivia may have a blog soon. byeee guys, leave a comment and follow me. you can follow by clicking the three horizontal lines on the top left corner on the home page.bye for real now, I have a bed time you know.
